Appendix 1: Discussion Supplementary Materials
The following Supporting Information is available for the discussion:
Fig. 17. Principal component analyses of leaf functional traits for Symphonia and Eschweilera clade Parvifolia species.
Fig. 18. Growth trajectories of Symphonia and Eschweilera clade Parvifolia species.
Fig. 19. Site frequency spectra for Symphonia species.
Fig. 20. Phylogeny for Symphonia species.
Fig. 21. Variance partitioning of leaf functional traits in Symphonia species.
Fig. 22. Functioncal traits and individual growth potential for Symphonia species.
Fig. 23. Leaf thickness variation with precipitation for Symphonia species.
Fig. 24. Effect of sampling on the estimate of the species mean trait value within Symphonia species.
Fig. 25. Variance partitioning for neighbourhood crowding index and individual growth potential in Eschweilera clade Parvifolia species.
Fig. 26. Local basal area distribution prior to basal area loss in Paracou.
Simulator S1. C++
code for the one-dimension eco-evolutionary simulator.
Simulator S2. R
code for the two-dimensions eco-evolutionary simulator.
Fig. 27. Species variation in growth trajectories of Symphonia and Eschweilera clade Parvifolia species.
Simulator S2: R
code for the one-dimension eco-evolutionary simulator.
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector build_gradient(
double gradientlim,
int length
double step = gradientlim*2/(length-1) ;
NumericVector gradient(length) ;
gradient[0] = - gradientlim ;
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
gradient[i] = gradient[i-1] + step ;
return gradient ;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List simulator1D_cpp(
int Nind = 50,
int Ngen = 50,
double muG = 0,
double sigmaG = 1,
double muE = 0,
double sigmaE = 1,
double Elim = 10,
int seedlings = 4,
int dispersal = 1,
bool viability_deterministic = true
) {
NumericMatrix A(Ngen, Nind) ;
NumericMatrix Z(Ngen, Nind) ;
NumericVector E = build_gradient(Elim, Nind) ;
NumericMatrix Aoffsprings(Nind, seedlings) ;
NumericMatrix Zoffsprings(Nind, seedlings) ;
NumericVector Ap(2*dispersal+1) ;
NumericVector w(seedlings) ;
IntegerVector seeds(seedlings) ;
int imin , imax, winner ;
double muS ;
A.row(0) = rnorm(Nind, muG, sigmaG) ;
Z.row(0) = rnorm(Nind, muE, sigmaE) ;
for(int s = 0; s < seedlings; s++)
seeds(s) = s ;
for (int g = 1; g < Ngen; g++){
for (int i = 0; i < Nind; i++){
imin = 0 ;
imax = Nind ;
if(i-dispersal > 0){
imin = i-dispersal ;
if(i+dispersal+1 < Nind){
imax = i+dispersal+1 ;
NumericVector Ap(imax-imin) ;
for(int p = 0; p < imax-imin; p++) Ap(p) = A(g-1,imin+p) ;
for (int s = 0; s < seedlings; s++){
Aoffsprings(i,s) = rnorm(1, mean(sample(Ap, 2)), sigmaG/2)[0] ;
Zoffsprings(i,s) = Aoffsprings(i,s) + rnorm(1, muE, sigmaE)[0] ;
winner = which_min(sqrt(pow(Zoffsprings(i,_)-E(i), 2))) ;
} else {
w = 1/sqrt(pow(Zoffsprings(i,_)-E(i), 2)) ;
winner = sample(seeds, 1, true, w)[0] ;
A(g,i) = Aoffsprings(i,winner) ;
Z(g,i) = Zoffsprings(i,winner) ;
List sim = List::create(Named("A") = A,
Named("Z") = Z,
Named("E") = E) ;
return sim;
Simulator S2: R
code for the two-dimensions eco-evolutionary simulator.
simulator2D <- function(
grid = 20, # size
Ngen = 50,
muG = 0, # genetics
sigmaG = 1,
muE = 0, # environment
sigmaE = 1,
Elim = 5,
seedlings = 4, # reproduction
dispersal = 1,
viability_deterministic = T
A <- array(dim = c(grid, grid, Ngen)) # objects
Z <- array(dim = c(grid, grid, Ngen))
A[,,1] <- array(rnorm(grid*grid, muG, sigmaG), dim = c(grid,grid))
Z[,,1] <- A[,,1] + array(rnorm(grid*grid, muE, sigmaE),
dim = c(grid,grid))
E <- seq(-Elim, Elim, length.out = grid) %*%
t(seq(-Elim, Elim, length.out = grid))
for(g in 2:Ngen){ # iterations
Aoffsprings <- array(
sapply(1:grid, function(i)
sapply(1:grid, function(j)
sapply(1:seedlings, function(s)
g-1], 2),
), dim = c(grid, grid, seedlings))
Zoffsprings <- Aoffsprings +
array(rnorm(grid*grid*seedlings, muE, sigmaE),
dim = c(grid,grid,seedlings))
survivors <- array(apply(
apply(Zoffsprings, 3,
function(x) as.array(sqrt((x - E)^2),
dim = c(grid,grid))), 1, which.min),
dim = c(grid,grid))
} else {
survivors <- array(
apply(1/apply(Zoffsprings, 3,
function(x) as.array(sqrt((x - E)^2),
dim = c(grid,grid))), 1,
function(w), 1, replace = T, prob = w)),
dim = c(grid,grid))
A[,,g] <- Aoffsprings[cbind(rep(1:grid, grid), rep(1:grid, each = grid),
Z[,,g] <- Zoffsprings[cbind(rep(1:grid, grid), rep(1:grid, each = grid),
return(lapply(list("breeding value (a)" = A, "trait value (z)" = Z),
reshape2::melt(M) %>%
dplyr::rename(X = Var1, Y = Var2, generation = Var3)) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "var") %>%
left_join(reshape2::melt(E) %>%
dplyr::rename(X = Var1, Y = Var2, environment = value),
by = c("X", "Y")) %>%
mutate(individual = paste0("X",X,"Y",Y)))
Pickrell, J. K. and Pritchard, J. K. 2012. Inference of Population Splits and Mixtures from Genome-Wide Allele Frequency Data. - PLoS Genetics in press.